Tiered Infection Prevention and Control Training

By Hektoen Institute (other events)

Mon, May 6 2024 8:30 AM CDT Fri, May 10 2024 4:30 PM CDT

The Hektoen Institute of Medicine, funded by the Illinois Department of Public Health, is launching an Infection Prevention and Control training program aimed at supporting long-term care Infection Preventionists (IPs) in Illinois. This program offers three levels of courses: Novice, Proficient, and Advanced.

Attendees will need to have undergone a self-assessment to determine the most suitable course level. Novice IPs have limited knowledge and skills in infection prevention and control, relying on rules and concepts. Proficient IPs demonstrate adept knowledge and can identify trends to ensure patient safety. Advanced IPs exhibit professional expertise and can analyze data rapidly to guide future decisions while mentoring and educating others in the field. The various training levels will take place over the course of the week following the schedule below:

Novice Training: May 6th to May 7th

Proficient Training: May 8th to May 9th

Advanced Training: May 8th to May 9th

The results of your self-assessment will be calculated by the Hektoen team and you will be notified of your class placement after you have successfully registered.

Registration is $25 and includes a light breakfast and lunch.

A limited number of rooms have been reserved at the venue.